Sober living

The First Year in Recovery: Stages and What to Expect

We talked about what led Christy to reach out for coaching, and why that for her was different than what she had previously done. Each week, I’ll bring you tools, lessons and conversations to help you drink less and live more. Staying sober requires a person to analyze the reasons why they were using the substance, identify their personal triggers for relapse, and avoid falling into a pattern of use again. Triggers for using drugs and alcohol typically are people, places, and things that remind you of your addictive behavior or encourage the use of substances you’re avoiding. At one year sober, you will have begun to have a better understanding of who you are as a person.

Here’s what to expect, month by month, in your first year of sobriety.

This improvement directly results from your sober, clear-headed state, allowing you to think critically and react appropriately to various situations. The way you’ve learned to manage these challenges reflects a deep change in your mindset. Free from the cloud of alcohol use disorder, you’ve gained clarity that has significantly improved your judgment.

Digital Health and Wearable Devices

first year sober

And you’re used to like that automatic paid for road. And as you go on the grassy path more and more, it’s going to become more worn and more open and more natural. Because you know what your life is like when you’re drinking, like, you deserve to know what your life would be like, if you worked.

What Happens After a Year of Sobriety?

Oregon Trail Recovery is committed to providing high-quality addiction treatment to individuals seeking a fresh start. For me, being able to leave rehab and have a solid support system on the outside along with an excellent alumni support program have been key to one year of sobriety. And while I’m proud of having one year, I know that I really only have today.

Challenges of Maintaining Long-term Sobriety

first year sober

The best way forward for your recovery from alcohol or substance use is to incorporate a wide variety of strategies that will help foster success. Remember to care for yourself, seek supportive relationships, and consider seeking help from a therapist. Some of the immediate changes you will need to make will be obvious—like not hanging around the people that you used with or obtained drugs from.

First Year Sober: What to Expect in Sobriety

But my biggest challenge and we can talk about this after we talk about your social interactions was I actually went to Venice and Croatia at 110 days. And with my mother with my sister, Italy, I was the biggest red wine girl I drank, by the way through Italy before. And that was very hard and a big challenge and making it through that was just like, alright, this is awesome. Well, we lose ourselves with every step we take, we’re losing ourselves. And over time, my goodness, you just can’t even tell who you are anymore, and what you’re capable of, because it’s just that filter of alcohols just drowning you out completely.

  • These resources provide a safe space to share experiences, discuss challenges, and learn from others who have successfully navigated the path to sobriety.
  • Um, hold on, I’m gonna pause for one second.
  • That’s Eddie drinking his beer, I’ve got a soda of course.
  • And I wasn’t drinking, which is a first and I noticed that the people in front of me and next to me were drinking heavily like groups of women.
  • It can be challenging to face these demons, but doing so is part of your healing process.
  • I told everyone it was my one year I met really inspiring people.
  • And that I completely changed who I was hanging out with, and how I was spending my time.
  • By Buddy TBuddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism.
  • Suddenly, you feel as though your entire world has come crashing down.
  • Keep in mind you need to continue working through the steps.

This article discusses the meaning of sobriety and arms you with information and strategies to smooth—and stay on—your path to wellness. So, she recovers was having a Seattle gathering a yoga event literally on the day of my one year. And so, I was going to Mexico with my family.

Sharing Your Progress with Your Support Group or Sponsor

Is that what you were telling yourself as well? Or were you in your heart of hearts say this is it I know that I’m not going to drink. But I have never been a great sleeper. But what I noticed after I stopped drinking, that I didn’t feel as tired the next day as I did when I was drinking. So even though my sleep was still not great.